
Shock is when your heart can’t keep up with your body’s need for oxygen. It can happen in many scenarios, like after a serious injury, a heart attack, bleeding, or even from infection. If you suspect that you or a friend are going into shock. call 911 and ask people around you for help before you do anything else.

Here’s what to do while you wait for help:

  • Lay the person down and elevate their legs and feet. Skip this step if you think they might have a broken leg.

  • Keep the person still and don't move them unless absolutely necessary.

  • Don't let the person eat or drink anything

If the person starts to vomit or bleed from the mouth, then turn them on their side - This will help stop them from choking.

REMEMBER: If you think they seriously hurt their neck or back, then DON’T MOVE THEM AT ALL.

Begin CPR if the person stops breathing. Go to the last page for CPR instructions.

If a serious injury occurs, the best thing you can do for yourself or a friend is call 911 - never hesitate to ask for help! A life might depend on it.

REMEMBER: Every phone, even without a payment plan, can call 911

Last updated